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regail project information
new hexavalent chromium regulations
COVID 19 Update
Dear Members
Visitor Management form – June 2020 – Ref Covid-19
The IMF welcomes visitors and asks that all visitors consider COVID-19, ensuring that the relevant Government health advice is followed before and during the visit. In light of this advice, we will greet you warmly, but we will not invite you to shake hands. We also invite you to wash your hands/use hand sanitiser on arrival, in line with the current guidance. Thank you for your co-operation.
We have now added a “Search Engine” for those who wish to quickly search for Sustaining Members who may be able to provide a service.
Go to:
Membership Types – Sustaining Membership – Directory and click on Searchable Database
The IMF works with the Parliamentary and Science Committee on “Sector deals for SMEs”
The IMF has been working with the Parliamentary and Science Committee (PSC) to deliver an on-line discussion entitled “Sector Deals for SMEs”. This discussion is currently scheduled to take place on February 15th 2021.
The PSC was founded in 1939 and is a major focus for scientific and technological issues, providing a liaison between Parliamentarians and scientific bodies, science-based industry and the academic world.
Meetings of the PSC are open to all members of both Houses of Parliament, although attendance from outside Parliament is restricted to representatives of member organisations, of which the IMF is one. It is though our membership that the IMF can help bring to Parliament’s attention any issues relating to the surface engineering industry’s operations, and in doing so, can potentially influence Government policy.
It is planned that there will be 3 or 4 speakers; these include Professor Karl Ryder of Leicester University and the IMF, who will talk about technical transfers from academia to industry. The second speaker is Paul Mason from InnovateUK/UKRI on how InnovateUK will be helping fund technical developments, especially for SMEs. The third speaker is hoped to be from the Industrial Strategy Council, which is an independent body that provides an impartial and expert evaluation of the UK Government’s progress in delivering the aims of the Industrial strategy and its impact on the economy. The final speaker is hoped to be a successful SME that can offer first hand experience of developing a successful company.
A report on the meeting will follow in due course.
Further information can be obtained from either Karl Ryder or Trevor Crichton via the IMF at Exeter House.
Important information for all users of Chromic Acid and Dichromate containing materials
A change of regulation has come to the attention of the IMF concerning the use of the above materials.
REACh (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) still requires a number of chemical substances (in this case the above chemicals) to be authorised for continued use.
ALL companies using sodium/potassium dichromate surface treatments and those using chromic acid for electroplating will need to register with the HSE for continued use.
It is understood that in the case of chromium trioxide companies must have submitted their first set of monitoring data as per the authorisation’s requirements by mid April of this year.
If you are unsure as to what to do and need advice, then contact the Health and Safety Executive.