

The next latest enrolment dates for all courses
Submit your applications by:
2 January 2025 for start date 10 January 2025

23 May 2025 for start date 6 June 2025


Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387

Email: training@materialsfinishing.org


Introduction to the Surface Finishing Foundation Certificate

There are currently 29 units for study covering a wide range of surface finishing topics and 15 of these units must be studied to complete the Surface Finishing Foundation Module. The study period for this module is about 4 months.

For further information and to discuss your requirements, please call Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387 or email on: training@materialsfinishing.org

Foundation Certificate

Awarded following the passing of the Foundation Certificate examination. Subject to the necessary experience enables candidates to apply for the first stage professional qualification of Associate of the Institute of Materials Finishing and use of the insignia AssocIMF.

Technician Certificate

By obtaining passes in two modules from the list below, either by the Distance Learning or Tutored route:

**These modules together cannot rate towards the award of a Technician Certificate. 

A module certificate is obtained on passing any of the above modules.
Technician of the Institute of Materials Finishing – TechIMF 

The award of a Technician Certificate plus a minimum of two years active involvement in surface finishing enables the person to apply to the Institute for the professional grade of Technician of the Institute of Materials Finishing and the appending of the insignia “TechIMF” after their name. .  

Advanced Technician Certificate

An Advanced Technician Certificate is awarded after a candidate passes 4 of the Technician Certificate modules.

One of these modules must be Environmental, Health and Safety.

IMF Licentiate

After successful completion of the IMF Technician’s Certificate, persons can go on to study for the IMF Licentiate. 

The IMF Licentiate is awarded after successfully completing Licentiate Research Projects A and B and enables the person to apply to the Institute for the professional grade of Graduate of the Institute of Materials Finishing and the appending of the insignia “GradIMF” after their name. 

The object of the projects is to enable you to demonstrate your technical knowledge and competence in the field of surface finishing and also to develop your professional skills in, for instance, planning work, researching and evaluating data, writing formal reports and interacting with other people. 

For further information and to discuss your requirements call or email

+44 (0) 121 622 7387