My heading is awesome
New Exeter House

We are looking at trying something new in 2024.
Prior to COVID, the Southern Branch of the IMF used to hold seminars at varying venues around the Southampton/Portsmouth area and invite people to attend and listen to speakers talking about interesting subjects.
Since COVID and also due to the lack of time available for attendees, these seminars have been conducted via ZOOM or the use of alternative platforms.
Now we would like to revisit the idea of face to face seminars but utilise New Exeter House (based in Coleshill) as the venue.
What we are proposing is that we open up New Exeter House for an evening seminar which could then either be attended in person OR via a ZOOM link. This would give the opportunity of allowing people from all over the country to come and see us in person at Exeter House or if distance is too much then watch the seminar via the ZOOM link.
Face to Face meetings give people much more opportunity to open up discussions and also to see what New Exeter House has to offer.
If you think that this is something that you may be interested in then please let us know by emailing: OR
This is “YOUR IMF” so why not come and join us and be a part of it.