Everything you wanted to know about CPD but were afraid to ask

So what is CPD?
Continuing Professional Development is the term that describes how professionals maintain their own competence in the workplace. CPD comprises updating particular areas of competence, developing personal and managerial skills and broadening experience leading to new experiences.

I’ve got a degree – I’m a Professional
You have a degree (or several degrees) but you probably got them a number of years ago. They show you have an understanding of your subject; they don’t show you have kept up to date with all the developments.

Is CPD important?
Any true professional must keep up to date with the latest developments in their field in order to remain competitive and employable. Many employers and Institutions require their employees/members to maintain their competence.

What is involved in all this CPD?
It is not prescriptive about the number or hours of activity needed to maintain an individual’s competence. CPD is about setting yourself objectives and monitoring your progress against them. A key part of this is the requirement to undertake reflective analysis of what you have done.

This must all be very time consuming – I’m very busy
Most people in employment are very busy and there is never enough time to do everything. But CPD is not about how much time you spend doing something or sitting in the lecture room, it is about how much value you capture and take from what you do and the lessons you learn as a result.

So what do I have to do for this CPD?
Most activities both within and outside the workplace are relevant to your professional development and learning. It is for you to extract and use the experiences to further yourself and your profession.

Why is reflection important?
Reflection allows you to take responsibility for your personal growth and helps you identify the benefits of a particular activity. Reflection should be a normal part of your working life. Those who regularly plan, do, record and reflect on their learning tend to be better at identifying opportunities for personal development.

Why should I keep a record?
As a professional member it is up to you to keep your skills and knowledge both relevant and up to date. Whilst this may sound daunting, see it as an opportunity to identify and work towards achieving your career objectives. We recommend that at least once a year you review the learning you have achieved throughout the year and then set professional development objectives for the coming year. You may well have an annual appraisal process as part of your job but CPD complements this.

My employer insists on CPD
If your employer has a recognised CPD scheme, then IMF activities are complementary to this.

What format do I have to use?
You can record your CPD manually, in a word processing document, a spreadsheet or using an online system.

This is all very well for beginners but I’m eminent in my field
Well done! Without you and people like you where would we be? But we can all be better and encourage younger colleagues to be better. By undertaking CPD you may find an opportunity that had occurred to you before and you will be setting an example to others to ensure they follow CPD. Perhaps you will be retiring soon; you can use the opportunity of CPD to think about your future.

Ah yes, I’m retired, so I don’t have to do it, correct?
No, retirement is a great opportunity to give back something to the profession which you helped to create and mould. Younger professionals need help and encouragement and through IMF you can do just that for example, by mentoring someone.

How can IMF help with CPD?
Attending regional branch meetings, webinars, exhibitions, and conferences IMF are associated with. Reading the publications, giving lectures, writing journal articles and volunteering on various committees. External volunteer activities? Yes, you may be school governor, local councillor, treasurer of a local charity or many other things. These all demand skills that you may bring from or take to the workplace.