Individual Member Benefits
Membership of The Institute is implicit on adherence to the Code of Conduct as approved by The Board and in force at the time.
The Institute of Materials Finishing offers several grades of membership dependent upon your Qualifications and experience.
For further information please contact us:
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Student Membership
Student membership is open to individuals who are engaged in Full-Time education at a recognised educational establishment.
It should be limited to a maximum of 4 years and should only apply to those students who are not sponsored or do not receive significant financial support.
See below for further information on membership grades and to request an application form.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership is open to all individuals who are interested or involved in surface finishing, surface engineering or surface technology.
See below for further information on membership grades and to request an application form.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Assoc IMF
Candidates for election to the grade of Associate must produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the IMF’s Examination and Qualifications Board that they are able to fulfil the requirements of one of the following regulations:
A1 Have passed the IMF Foundation Course and have a minimum of two years’ experience in the field of surface finishing.
A2 Have satisfactorily completed a basic science course and training in surface finishing, approved by the Examination and Qualification Board and agreed by Management Board as being equivalent to the IMF Foundation Course, and have a minimum of two years’ experience in the field of surface finishing.
1. Candidates for election to this grade must supply the name of one referee who must have an intimate knowledge of the candidate’s work experience.
2. Candidates for election to this grade must provide a short summary of their educational background and work experience in surface finishing.
3. A person granted this grade is entitled to use the letters AssocIMF.
4. AssocIMF is the first grade of professional membership and Associates will be expected to progress to a more senior grade of professional membership within 5 years. Accordingly, the award of Associateship will lapse after 5 years although a longer period of tenure may be permitted at the discretion of the Examination and Qualifications Board.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Tech IMF
Candidates for election to the grade of Technician must produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of IMF’s Examination and Qualifications Board that they are able to fulfil the requirements of one of the following regulations:
T1 Possess the IMF Technician Certificate* and the candidate must have a minimum of two years industrial experience in the field of surface finishing technology. OR
T2 Possess a qualification that has been approved by the Examinations and Qualifications Board as being equivalent to the IMF Technician Certificate Course and the candidate must have a minimum of two years industrial experience in the field of surface finishing technology. *The Technician Certificate is awarded to those individuals who are successful in passing the Technician Certificate examination having followed either a Distance Learning Course route or the Tutored Course route, or such other route as approved by the Examination and Qualification Board of the Institute of Materials Finishing.
1. Candidates for election to this grade must supply the name of one referee who must have an intimate knowledge of the candidate’s work experience.
2. Candidates for election to this grade must provide a short summary of their educational background and work experience in surface finishing.
3. A person granted this grade of membership is entitled to use the letters TechIMF.
See below for further information on membership grades and to request an application form.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Grad IMF
Candidates for election to the grade of Graduate must produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the IMF’s Examination and Qualifications Board that they are able to fulfil the requirements of one of the following regulations:
G1 possess a degree from a course approved by the Examination and Qualifications Board (e.g. a science or engineering course, but others will be considered for eligibility) and have successfully completed and passed the examination of either the IMF’s Foundation module or at least one of the or at least one of the IMF Technician level modules.
G2 possess a degree from a course approved by the Examination and Qualifications Board (e.g. a science or engineering course, but others will be considered for eligibility) and have a minimum of two years industrial experience in the field of surface finishing technology. If the applicant has an enhanced first degree (e.g. MEng, MSci) or a postgraduate degree (e.g. MSc or PhD), this study period may count towards their period of industrial experience.
G3 possess the IMF’s Licentiate qualification.
1. Candidates may be requested to attend for interview at the discretion of the Examination and Qualification Board.
2. A person granted this grade of membership is entitled to use the letters GradIMF.
See below for further information on membership grades and to requires an application form.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Candidates for election to the grade of Member must produce documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the IMF’s Examination and Qualifications Board that they are able to fulfil the requirements of one of the following regulations:
M1 possess a degree in chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, corrosion science or other related subject and have had a minimum of six years direct involvement in surface finishing technology at a senior level. If the applicant has an enhanced first degree (e.g. MEng, MSci), or a postgraduate degree (MSc or MPhil), a total of 5 years direct involvement in surface finishing technology at a senior level may be acceptable.
M2 possess a PhD qualification in chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, corrosion science or other related subject and have completed 3 year’s direct involvement in surface finishing technology.
M3 possess the IMF’s Licentiate qualification and have had for a minimum period of 5 years direct involvement in surface finishing technology at a senior level.
M4 that having been engaged in the field of surface finishing technology for at least 10 years and holding an important position of responsibility, the Candidate has shown a demonstrable commitment to continuing professional development. The nature of the experience and positions of responsibility held will be taken into account in consideration of applications under this category.
NOTES: A person granted this grade of membership is entitled to use the letters MIMF
See below for further information on membership grades and to request an application form.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Candidates for election to the grade of Fellow must be persons who, through a combination of education, experience and training have acquired a high level of competence in the science and technology of surface finishing and, in addition, can satisfy the IMF’s Examination and Qualifications Board that they have an established and mature reputation in the field of surface finishing.
Such persons will have made a significant contribution to the science and practice of surface finishing, or will have established a reputation as managers who are ultimately responsible for the decisions of professional members under their direction.
NOTES: A person granted this grade of membership is entitled to use the letters FIMF.
See below for further information on membership grades and to request an application form.
Tel +44 (0) 121 622 7387
Code of Conduct
The Management Board in May 2010 adopted (in common with similar Organisations) a revised Code of Conduct for Members of the Institute. Bye-Law No.12 states: ” Membership of The Institute is implicit on adherence to the Code of Conduct as approved by The Board and in force at the time.” The following Code of Conduct has been adopted by The Management Board of The Institute of Materials Finishing and is applicable to all grades of individual membership of the Institute.
1. All members of the Institute shall uphold the dignity of the Institute and at all times conduct themselves in an honourable manner. In particular they shall:
2. Members at all times shall ensure that any promotional material with which they are involved does not contain words or phrases that could bring discredit to the Institute or to a fellow member.
3. All Members actively practicing within the profession shall have an obligation to keep up to date with developments in their area of expertise.
4. Should a person cease to be a member of the Institute, they undertake to cease immediately to use all insignia and qualifications so granted.