Benefits of a Sustaining Member
The Institute represents the sector engaged in the practice of metal finishing and surface engineering in terms of the requirements and aspirations of its Sustaining Members and provides many services and benefits expected of such a proactive body.
Sustaining Membership provides access to all of these benefits and services of the Institute, including:
Your Company’s Sustaining Membership of the Institute will mean that you are making a positive commitment to the long-term sustainability of
the industry as well as ensuring that the views of our industry are presented to Government and to the EU, and that materials finishing and
surface engineering is recognised as important sectors of manufacturing in UK PLC.
For application form click here
For further information please email
Please find a PDF list of the sustaining members directory and contact details by using the link below
Searchable database of Sustaining Members Services now available by using this link

Service & Brands

Sustaining Member Application Form
Sustaining Membership Directory
This area is being continually updated with the latestest sustaining members details for services and products available
Please add a search term (e.g Nickel) and a list of members offering that service will be shown