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The Institute of Materials Finishing is internationally recognised as the premiere source of expert knowledge on all aspects of metal finishing, coating and surface engineering technologies. Support services include:
If your enquiry needs substantial time commitment, then please be aware of this intervention mechanism that may provide free advice and a solution to meet your needs. The Institute also has a project management group which can help coordinate support across a range of issues from industrial and academic sources.

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Any advice that you receive through the Institute of Materials Finishing (the “Institute”), whether it is received from the Institute itself or from an individual who is authorised by the Institute to provide such advice (“Authorised Individual”), is based solely on the information that you provide in the website enquiry form.
Any such advice is intended to be addressed solely to the person or organisation that submitted the enquiry form. Accordingly, neither the Institute nor any Authorised Individual accepts liability to any person or organisation to whom the advice is not intended to be addressed. In the unlikely event that the Institute or the Authorised Individual breaches its or his duty of care to you in respect of the advice that has been given, the total liability of the Institute and the Individual in respect of such advice for any loss, liability or damage, howsoever caused, whether in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence) under statute or in any circumstances will be limited to the sum of £1,000.
By submitting the Enquiry Form, you acknowledge and accept that this limitation of liability shall apply to any advice received by you from the Institute or an Authorised Individual.