Benefits of a Sustaining Member

The Institute represents the sector engaged in the practice of metal finishing and surface engineering in terms of the requirements and aspirations of its Sustaining Members and provides many services and benefits expected of such a proactive body.  

Sustaining Membership provides access to all of these benefits and services of the Institute, including:

  • Up to the minute information on the latest technical developments in the sector
  • The latest information concerning forthcoming legislation on health, safety and environmental issues as well as events of interest to the materials finishing industry.
  • Being seen by your peers to be a serious supporter of the IMF and its aims
  • Access to the latest technical information through the Institutes journal Transactions and its newsletter IMFormation
  • Access to the technical enquiry service which engages you in contact with industry experts and consultants
  • The opportunity to enrol your staff on further Education and Training courses at discounted member rates. The courses range from basic surface finishing theory and practice, to those leading to nationally recognised qualifications.
  • An entry in the IMF website Sustaining Member Directory which gives direct links to your company
  • An entry in the IMF year diary, with an option to purchase customised diaries bearing the organisation logo
  • Access to advertise jobs on web site and IMFormation
  • The opportunity to attend specialist technical meetings, conferences and special events at reduced member rates for all your staff
  • One nominated company representative will receive constant updates of ongoing news as well as receiving Transactions, IMFormation, Branch programmes and the Diary

Your Company’s Sustaining Membership of the Institute will mean that you are making a positive commitment to the long-term sustainability of

the industry as well as ensuring that the views of our industry are presented to Government and to the EU, and that materials finishing and

surface engineering is recognised as important sectors of manufacturing in UK PLC.

For application form click here

For further information please email


Please find a PDF list of the sustaining members directory and contact details by using the link below

Searchable database of Sustaining Members Services now available by using this link

Service & Brands

Finishing Services

Please find a list of sustaining member finishing services by 

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Supplier Companies

Please find a list of sustaining member companies services by

Sign up and become a Sustaining Member

Online Form

Application form

We wish to become a Sustaining Member of the Institute of Materials Finishing and submit this application. We agree to be bound by the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Bye-laws of the Institute.Our Grade of Membership will be:
PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE FOR PAYMENT DETAILS Give details of your products and services to be included in the sustaining member directory – the numberof words to be in accordance with grade:
1. Full membership benefits for one nominated member of staff. The member will receive copies of Transactions, IMFormation and all other communications from The Institute on behalf of the Company. The member shall also be entitled to vote on the Company’s behalf, subject to completion of the appropriate proxy. The nominated member may delegate a member of the Company to attend at The Institute’s meetings etc, but is required to notify The Institute of his/her name and position.
2. All Company Staff will qualify for attendance at Conferences, Symposia and all events organised by The Institute and its Branches and Groups, at member rates which are normally substantially less than those for non-members.
3. The Company’s name, address and details of products and services provided will be included in The Institute’s Directory of Sustaining Members. The details of member companies are printed in alphabetical order and the length of each entry is governed by the grade of membership held. Current rates for the various grades are:-

Grade A £650.00 + VAT Total: £780.00 Company plus 6 individual members
Grade B £480.00 + VAT Total: £576.00 Company plus 4 individual members
Grade C 30 £300.00 + VAT Total: £360.00 Company plus 1 individual member
4. The Company’s name and telephone number will be included in The Institute pocket diary which is despatched to all members each year. The diary contains standard diary pages and information on the Aims and Objectives of The Institute. If the Company desires it can purchase copies of The Institute diary for its own use.
The Company may pay for its logo to be printed on the front cover below The Institute Logo if desired. As The Institute purchases the diaries in bulk they are available at a very attractive price.
5.The Company may place advertisements of their products and services at reduced rate in Transactions, IMFormation, Sustaining Member Directory etc and may also receive a discount on inserts (such as Situations Vacant, Company promotional leaflets etc) sent out with member and non-member mailshots – normally once a month.
6. The Company shall be entitled to display The IMF Sustaining Member Logo on their stationery and in their literature. However it is important to note that the sustaining member logo must never be used in a manner which implies The Institutes endorsement, approval or support for any product, service or event without the prior written consent of the Institute and must always be accompanied by the words ‘Sustaining Member’ beneath the logo.
7. Although all staff of a member Company will be eligible to enjoy member rates and benefits as outlined above if they are already professional members of The Institute in their own right and resign their individual membership they shall be no longer entitled to use the relevant insignia after their name. Likewise, to stand for the Management Board election or sit on a Group or Branch Committee, they must be members of The Institute in their own right.

Sustaining Membership Directory

This area is being continually updated with the latestest sustaining members details for services and products available

Please add a search term (e.g Nickel) and a list of members offering that service will be shown

Company NameWebsitePhone
Robert Stuart Ltd 01279 400114
RLC UK Global Point 02890 834460
Portsmouth Aviation Ltd 02392 665596
JCS-Hi-Torque Ltd 01787 37612
Ionotec Ltd 01928 579668
Inflite Engineering Services Ltd 01279 681681
Hong Kong Surface Finishing Society 00852 81200323
Hong Kong Electroplating Merchants Association 001 852 27883137
Hart Materials Ltd 01827 259250
Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd 01590 684100
E Williams Plating Ltd 01962 733199
Dublin Aerospace Ltd 35318126300
Addev Materials Aerospace Ltd Addev Materials 01422 314400
British Society for Coatings Technology 01604 881513
Atotech Ltd
Thomas Keating Ltd 01403 782 045
Russell Laboratories Ltd 01233 635241
Karas Plating 0194 2260393
PMD (UK) Ltd 02476 466691
Advatech Limited 01842 755358
Aluminium Surface Engineering 02476 611921
Qualitech Components Ltd 01354 658787
SciMed Ltd 0161 442 9963
Singapore Surface Engineering Association 0065 6897 8920
Poeton Industries Ltd 01452 300500
PRA Ltd 02084 870800
Pre-Treat Ltd 01422 847671
Protech Finishing Ltd 01604 792163
R A Chilton Ltd 01829 749224
Ramp Surface Coatings Ltd 01935 847308